hoseright wangara
Giving back to society
Changing our world one hose at a time.
Here at Hoseright, we are committed to making a real difference in the world. With every hydraulic hose we replace, a portion of our profits and resources are used to invest in world-changing initiatives. We believe that it is our responsibility as a successful business to pass on our good fortune and do good in the world.
We partner with a variety of different organisations both personally and professionally to make a difference locally and around the globe. We invite you to join us in making a difference. Simply using our services allows us to contribute to great causes.

hoseright perth
We Give Back To The Community Through B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1)
Since July 2019, Hoseright has been part of a social enterprise and non-profit organisation called B1G1, that has a mission to create a world full of giving. B1G1 is different from other giving models because it embeds giving activities into everyday business operations. Because of the great work B1G1 does, we are able to make big social impacts just by serving our customers!
Every time we replace a hydraulic hose for a customer, we’re able to provide shelter and protection for orphaned children, safe drinking water for families in need, or e-learning hubs for Australian Indigenous children living in remote Australia. We are committed to making thousands of impacts across the globe through B1G1.

Giving back to society perth
Kyampisi Childcare Ministries
Kyampisi Childcare Ministries (KCM) is a small Ugandan charity with a big vision to see an end to child sacrifice and trafficking in Uganda. KCM act with urgency in their efforts to rescue and rehabilitate surviving victims together with their families.
KCM improve the lives of many by raising awareness, rescuing children, facilitating medical treatment, and prosecuting offenders. Hoseright has been supporting the cause since 2019, and are proud to be a part of KCM’s mission and strive to help their cause by offering child sponsorship and funding.
Two of the children that we have sponsored are Aisha, since she was 15 years old, and Ian 10. Aisha lives in a family of 8 people and Ian lives with an Aunt who is a tailor, unfortunately, she does not have the capabilities to support her nephew to go to school. With our help they can receive the education and resources to improve their lives and future prospects.
Dot Com Mob
The Dot Com Mob is an Australian not-for -profit organisation working with and assisting remote Indigenous communities to create or upgrade community technology centres since 2005. Their aim is to enhance the educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, resulting in improved social inclusion and economic opportunities.
Their philosophy that ‘connected communities are smarter communities’, aligns with our mission of creating life changing opportunities for people around the globe. It is for this reason Hoseright have chosen to support Dom Com Mob to help the improvement of literacy and numeracy, digital skills and knowledge, social interaction, pursuit of interests, psychological well being, and employment of Indigenous Australian’s.
You can make your own donations to this incredible and inspirational foundation providing technology centres, youth IT training and digital inclusion programs, via their website www.dotcommob.org where 100% of your donation goes into the communities, and parent organisation Magid Foundation matches every donation made, effectively doubling the amount available to spend on providing digital and computer access.
Donate and Make a Difference in our World
Happy Boxes Project
Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are unable to access essential toiletry items due to their remote location, or they are faced with exuberant price tags with items found in remote stores. In an endeavor to nurture positive mental health, and spread kindness and happiness, founder Emma Sullings began the Happy Boxes Project, which gathers donations of essential and luxury items.
The nature of this charity is an intimate connection between the person donating and the person receiving, making it a special experience. Once items are collected, they are posted to different coordinators based within different communities who distribute the items to women most at need.
Hoseright supports this project to empower women through alleviating the barriers of accessing basic toiletry needs in remote Indigenous communities. We have liaised with the Happy Boxes Project and nominated ourselves as a drop off location here in Perth, enabling others to drop off their donations and Hoseright will cover the costs for all the items to be posted out together with our donations on a monthly basis.
You can learn more about the Happy Boxes Project and the communities it supports by visiting their website at www.happyboxesproject.com.