08 5345 8884



Hoseright treats the handling of all personal information very seriously. Accordingly, the purpose of this policy is to ensure the protection of privacy in relation to the handling of any and all personal information and all employees are to comply with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (The Act). This policy provides a clear outline of managing personal, sensitive and commercially sensitive information.


The Directors, Managers and Employees of Hoseright have the responsibility of applying this Policy in all circumstances.  The designated Privacy Officer has a responsibility to bring to the attention of the Directors/ Management any perceived breach.

This policy applies to:

General Matters

Business Contacts:

Information collected from a business contact will vary according to circumstances including the following

Collection of Personal Information

Personal information may be collected during various processes including Human Resources processes.  This personal information may be disclosed to other areas within Hoseright for administrative purposes and for the progression of employment applications. All confidential information will be used for legitimate purposes in accordance with relevant legislation.

Personal information of employees that is held by Hoseright includes, but is not limited to information relating to:

All reasonable attempts will be made to keep this information relevant, complete and current. Employees are made aware of the need to ensure that any personal information provided is accurate and current.

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Use and Disclosure of Personal Information – Business Contacts

  1. Unless business contacts have advised Hoseright otherwise, personal or Business information provided by a business contact will not be used for any other purpose other than that for which it was provided.
  2. In particular, Hoseright will not sell, rent, or trade a business contact’s personal information, or disclose information about a business contact unless the disclosure is: Required by law (eg the Australian Tax Office, Police)
    • Is authorized by law (eg to protect Business interests or where Hoseright has a duty to make such disclosure)
    • Approved by a business contact by way of consent.
  3. Hoseright may contract out certain aspects of their work for a client/ customer, to another provider. In that circumstance, the sub-contracting entity may be provided with information about the Business’s client/ customer, sufficient for the sub-contractor to carry out their normal business or service activity in providing the clients / customers with the Business’s products and services.  Sub-contractors or other entities who are provided with information in this situation, may only use the information to the extent necessary to provide the services Hoseright requires.

Quality of Information

Hoseright will use its best endeavors to keep business contact information as up to date as possible. However, Hoseright relies on the cooperation of business contacts to advise Hoseright of any material changes to the information which was originally provided.

Security of Information

Hoseright undertakes to keep secure all personal or Business information about business contacts and will take precautions to protect that information against loss, misuse or alteration.

Access to Information

Hoseright will provide business contacts with access to their own information, in a timely manner and upon receipt of a verified request for that information.

Employee Responsibilities

In light of the above objective, every employee is responsible for the appropriate handling of such information and to prevent unlawful disclosure.

If employees have access to this information or any such personal information belonging to another employee or a client of the Employer, employees must ensure that they maintain the confidence of any confidential information that they have access to, or become aware of, during the course of their employment and prevent its unauthorised disclosure or use by any other person.

Employees must not use confidential information for any purpose other than for the relevant and related Employer processes during or after their employment. Any action in breach of this policy may result in disciplinary action being taken.

Ben Chambers


on behalf of Hoseright

Date: 1/3/24

Review date: June 2025

Associated Documents

Hoseright-PRO041-Employee Handbook

Hoseright-REG006-Compliance Register

All Reviews from Our Customers

08 5345 8884


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